Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Hydraulic Fracturing Essay

A huge number of feet beneath the Earth’s surface, streams immense stores of one of our planets generally looked for after items. In old Babylon there are works of a dull remedy overflowing from the grounds surface, and still, at the end of the day the individuals saw how valuable this material was. Oil, alongside Natural gas, are uncommonly rich wellsprings of vitality. A gallon of oil outperforms the yield of five kg of coal, ten kg of wood, and more than multiple times the measure of vitality that fifty people can deliver. The most extravagant oil can really give one hundred additional occasions the vitality, than the assets used to remove it starting from the earliest stage. At present the US is entering one of the biggest current oil blasts the world has ever observed. Shockingly dissimilar to in antiquated Babylon, oil today doesn't just overflow out of the ground and into our vehicles. New advances in science and perception innovation have given us a procedure known as pressure driven cracking. Otherwise called flat penetrating, or fracking, these new strategies have caused an incredible contention and started an open discussion over the potential dangers â€Å"fracking† could follow on our condition. Regardless of the negative pictures natural lobbyists have painted, water powered breaking is fundamental for the fate of America’s economy. Its principle reason for existing is to make employments, a steady market, and advance the fate of clean vitality in the United States. Right now, there has been a centered consideration around the negative ecological effects fracking might convey with it particularly in the water gracefully. There are many on-going examinations occurring to guarantee the security of the earth too the strength of residents who at present populate close to locales that are utilizing a flat boring strategy. The vast majority of the negative effects on nature, related with fracking, are ineffectively comprehended by the overall population. The water flexibly has been one of the primary concerns voiced by lobbyists and different news sources. As of now the United States government has given broad examination on the issue through the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The EPA has concentrated a lot of its consideration on the manageability of the water gracefully and soil encompassing flow and previous boring locales. The EPA as of late discharged on their principle site a statementâ confirming the accompanying: The EPA as of now is working intimately with industry accomplices to recognize areas and create research exercises for forthcoming contextual investigations. In forthcoming contextual investigations, research at the site starts before pressure driven breaking happens, and afterward keeps during and after water powered cracking exercises. The examinations to date have demonstrated no connection to tainted water supplies previously or after the procedure of pressure driven breaking. As indicated by the New York Times, â€Å"Shale gas is gotten to at profundities of thousands of feet while drinking water is removed from profundities of just several feet. No place in the state have fracking mixes infused at profundity been appeared to pollute drinking water.† It is essential to comprehend the procedure at which the gas is separated to comprehend where the regions of hazard happen. â€Å"Each well contains numerous layers of steel packaging and solidifying to successfully ensure groundwater.† (API 1) This is fundamental to the security of our water flexibly. It is essential to comprehend the entrance enormous oil organizations ne ed to cutting edge gear and the most splendid personalities. Every year billions of dollars are spent on research towards the extraction and regulation of flammable gas also how to hose the carbon impression left in the wake of penetrating. Numerous gaseous petrol administrators have decided to uncover the elements of their mixed drinks to the site FracFocus.org, it is worked by the Groundwater Protection Council. This site incorporates an open record that can be inspected by drill site or well area, people can easily see the parts used to break nitty gritty wells. â€Å"As of mid 2012, almost one hundred organizations have just given data about around ten thousand wells and that number expands each day.† (API) Companies in our cutting edge society comprehend the significance of straightforwardness. Access to sites and definite logs have enabled people in general to make their own decisions on the wellbeing of individual administrators. This makes huge and free organizations held to better expectations than at any other time. While there are ozone depleting substances discharged during the extraction procedure they are fundamentally not exactly our present coal-terminated plants. â€Å"Shale gas radiates a large portion of the carbon dioxide per unit of vitality as does coal, and coal consuming likewise discharges metals, for example, mercury into the environment that in the long run settle once more into our dirts and waters.† (New York Times) This is vital to see particularly as one of the most established and biggest coal-terminated plant works inâ west Texas. Promotion gatherings, for example, the Sierra Club are battling to close down these exceptionally dangerous plants. â€Å"Coal and gas-terminated force plants emanate more than 2.3 billion metric tons for each time of carbon contamination, roughly 40% of all out U.S. vitality related carbon pollution.†(SierraClub.Org) Because of extreme limitations any discharges from oil and gas wells must remain inside concurred state and government limitations to ensure the wellbeing and prosperity of occupants. â€Å"Natural gas is viewed as a perfect consuming fuel in light of its relatively low discharges of carbon dioxide, sulfur oxides, and nitrogen oxides.†(API 1) According to the Environmental Protection Agency, gaseous petrol terminated power creates a large portion of the carbon dioxide of coal-terminated creation. As a nation we have increased a reliance on vitality and as we develop new procedures should be found to keep up our utilization rate. Water driven Fracturing car ries us closer to clean vitality while having an immediate advantage to our air and condition by making perilous coal-terminated plants out of date. The oil and flammable gas industry assets are significantly significant to the United States ‘economy as one of the country’s significant managers and purchasers of imports. Keeping up its development through a battling economy, America’s oil and petroleum gas administrators carry on to convey well-paying work, comes back to organizations and offer development for many Americans. â€Å"With expanded access to U.S. oil and gas assets we can make 1 million new openings in the following ten years alone.†(Green 1) That implies if the country could manage the act of fracking, while at the same time securing the earth, it consequently would make one million American occupations. That would raise our joblessness rate exponentially, yet would embed a great many duty dollars over into the economy for improved framework or instruction. â€Å"Expansion of oil and petroleum gas shale resources supported more than 2.1 million occupations in 2012.†(API 1) Affordable, local gaseous petrol is fundamental to reviving the synthetic, assembling, and steel ventures. These extraordinary enterprises have bolstered our country before and will proceed into what's to come. The American Chemistry Council decided: A 25 percent expansion in the gracefully of ethane (the fluid got from shale gas) could include more than 400,000 employments over the economy, give over $4.4 billion yearly in government, state, and neighborhood charge income, and spike $16.2 billion in capital speculation by the synthetic business That additional lift toâ the work showcase is a blessing long past due to our battling economy. Thus, the National Association of Manufacturers evaluated that high recuperation of shale gas and lower gaseous petrol costs will help U.S. producers utilize 1,000,000 specialists by 2025. This will straightforwardly invigorate unassuming community networks by extending to specialized employment opportunity positions with long lasting advantages. Too the additional pay will help to gradually assuage the weight of obligation numerous families are experiencing. An IHS report, America’s New Energy Future: The Unconventional Oil and Gas Revolution and the US Economy, evaluates that: â€Å"Mainly because of lower vitality costs, normal extra cash per family expanded by more than $1,200 in 2012.†(IHS 4) This has persistently been precluded from the prevailing press. Various industry supported reports are interfacing spouting oil and gaseous petrol creation welcomed on by fracking is lifting the United States economy by dropping vitality costs for customers and makers. It has an immediate relationship as we produce more on shore vitality our expenses and high import charges decline. This in influence has a stream down approach when oil costs less to concentrate, boat, and utilize then family unit vitality bills go down. President Obama’s 2012 State of the Union location the President asserted acknowledgment for administering the main decrease in oil imports in current occasions and for achieving the least utilization of need on oil imports in sixteen years. He certify that eminent result to some degree to improved oil creation in North and South Dakota yet for the most part to the significant flood in gas creation that has straightforwardly originated from water powered breaking. There is an unmistakable sign that the dangers of fracking are decreasing step by step as the advantages keep on expanding. The accident of 2008 carried our economy to a pounding stop. There is right now no other market that could animate the economy as much as the vitality segment. The United States Economy will advance significantly throughout the following ten years because of the shale blast. Water driven breaking will diminish the expense of vitality while raising assembling. In particular it will console compou nd and innovation organizations will get higher enrichments giving us an edge over our rivals. Fracking will likewise lessen the expense of transportation by filling our vehicles with clean gaseous petrol. By performing quality due persistence we can exclude the feelings of dread related w

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Family Nurse Practitioners at the University of Phoenix Essay

Family Nurse Practitioners at the University of Phoenix - Essay Example Extra to offering the assistance in the traditional settings like office, facility, and crisis care focus, FNP can likewise help the families in the assortment of settings like school, home, work environment, medical clinic and so forth. All these difficult parts of the FNP’s work have pulled in me towards the calling. It won’t not be right on the off chance that I state that I have a characteristic energy for this calling. I was blessed to experience childhood in a multicultural domain. It has made me conversant in the subsequent language, which has demonstrated be an extraordinary resource in my expert life. My energy and brilliant relational abilities have given me a capacity to complete my obligations easily much under solid weights of complying with troublesome time constraints. A chance to examine proficient degree course of MSN/FNP at the University Of Phoenix will upgrade my correspondence and dynamic aptitudes multifold and will assist me with turning into a total proficient. Being a careful expert will assist me with accomplishing my future objective of helping oppressed families and people who need medical coverage. Subsequently, by getting a bosses degree in Oncology Nursing, I will have the option to accomplish self-improvement and employment fulfillment. I have a solid blend of ‘knowledge’ and ‘experience’ of FNP practice. My experience of working in a neighborhood province clinic and serving powerless and oppressed patients has given me extraordinary fulfillment. I feel that there is a solid need to teach individuals on the best way to keep up a sound way of life so as to deal with their ailments and to forestall future medical issues. This not exclusively will decrease the medical issues of people yet will likewise help in sparing the network and national wellbeing financial plan. I am sure that with my capacities as FNP, I can help patients in relieving their maladies just as forestalling their future medical issues.

Monday, August 10, 2020

Buying an hour of daddys time

Buying an hour of daddys time The man came home from work late again, tired and irritated, to find his 5 year old son waiting for him at the door.Daddy, may I ask you a question?Yeah, sure, what is it? replied the man. Daddy, how much money do you make an hour?Thats none of your business! What makes you ask such a thing? the man said angrily.I just want to know. Please tell me, how much do you make an hour? pleaded the little boy.If you must know, I make $20 an hour.Oh, the little boy replied, head bowed. Looking up, he said, Daddy, may I borrow $10 please?The father was furious. If the only reason you wanted to know how much money I make is just so you can borrow some to buy a silly toy or some other nonsense, then you march yourself straight to your room and go to bed.  Think about why youre being so selfish. I work long, hard hours everyday and dont have time for such childish games.The little boy quietly went to his room and shut the door.The man sat down and started to get even madder about the little bo ys questioning. How dare he ask such questions only to get some money.After an hour or so, the man had calmed down, and started to think he may have been a little hard on his son. Maybe there was something he really needed to buy with that $10 and he really didnt ask for money very often. The man went to the door of the little boys room and opened the door.Are you asleep son? he askedNo daddy, Im awake. replied the boyIve been thinking, maybe I was too hard on you earlier. said the man. Its been a long day and I took my aggravation out on you. Heres that $10 you asked for.The little boy sat straight up, beaming. Oh, thank you daddy! he yelled. Then, reaching under his pillow, he pulled out some more crumpled up bills. The man, seeing the boy already had money, started to get angry again.The little boy slowly counted out his money, then looked up at the man.Why did you want more money if you already had some? the father grumbled.Because I didnt have enough, but now I do. the li ttle boy replied. Daddy, I have $20 now. Can I buy an hour of your time? Please come home early tomorrow. I would like to have dinner with you.The father was crushed and he put his arms around his little son.Author UnknownIt’s just a short reminder to all of us working so hard in life. We should not let time slip through our fingers without having spent some time with those who really matter to us, those close to our hearts. Do remember to share that $20 worth of your time with someone you love.If we die tomorrow, the company that we are working for could easily replace us in a matter of hours. But the family friends we leave behind will feel the loss for the rest of their lives.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Slavery And The Slavery Of Slavery Essay - 1742 Words

Enslaved blacks defined freedom, through different aspects and used different methods to obtain that freedom. Some used religion as an escape, others used writing, involving themselves war or even used forms of resistance to define a free status. Freedom was more than just being a freeman or freewoman, it was about obtaining citizen and certain rights, not previously obtained. Slaves often were overworked, were separated from loved ones and made wealth possible for their slave masters; they were also tortured by their masters, in an inhumane way. But they often found ways to resist their masters, and the institution of slavery in a subtle or a suicidal way. The visions of freedom varied throughout time periods and regions; in 1739, you have the Stono Rebellion, people used laws to argue their cases of injustice, such as Emanuel Pieterson and Dorothy Angola, who fought for the freedom of their child and David Walker, Frederick Douglass and Harriet Jacob who used literature to speak ag ainst the institution of slavery. Another aspect was that freedom had a different definition in the north and in the south. Northern freedmen and women had often better opportunities and often we able to use education to define their freedom. Slaves in the south were faced with laws which often created more limitations. The purpose of this essay, is to compare and contrast three different people, from different regions and how they experienced slavery and freedom but also compare differentShow MoreRelatedSlavery And The Slavery Of Slavery933 Words   |  4 Pages Slavery, up to this point has progressively gotten weaker. In 1787 slavery is made illegal in the northwest territory. In 1793 Eli Whitney made the cotton gin making the demand for slaves increase. In 1820 the missouri compromise was written to ban slavery in all states above the northern missouri border. In the year 1831 Preacher Nat Turner starts a rebellion that is known to be the largest slave uprising in American Hist ory. also that year William Lloyd Garrison started publishing the LiberatorRead MoreThe Slavery Of Slavery And Slavery944 Words   |  4 Pagescondemn slavery. The South also used religion as their argument, but instead, they used the Bible to argue that slavery was an acceptable part of life. People have questioned whether it was right or wrong of the South to use the bible to support their beliefs in slavery. Some would say that pro-slavery southerners had every right to use the Bible to support their beliefs. When Northerners began to use the Bible against slavery, southerners used this same argument to support it. Slavery was a practiceRead MoreSlavery : Slavery And Slavery901 Words   |  4 PagesSlavery in America started in 1619 when settlers brought over African Americans to Jamestown, Virginia. The slaves came to Jamestown to work on the tobacco plantations. The slaves were also sent to other colonies such as South Carolina to work on the cotton plantations. Slaves were people who worked for no pay. This caused the land owners to make more profit from their plantations because they didn’t have to pay their workers. Southern slave owners, specifically in South Carolina, relied on slaveryRead MoreThe Slavery Of Slavery And Slavery1505 Words   |  7 Pagessix to seven billion enslaved Africans were brought to the American shore (Slavery). Life as an enslaved African was more than tough, it was appalling. Slaves were prohibited from becoming literate, they were restricted in e very aspect, whether it was in movement or behavior, and they were punished severely. Slave masters â€Å"took sexual liberties† with enslaved women, which was thought to be a tactic to procreate slaves (Slavery). According to that interpretation, slave masters were fueled to procreateRead MoreSlavery And The Slavery Of Slavery Essay2080 Words   |  9 PagesThere has been an ongoing debate on whether Christianity condoned or condemned slavery. In this essay, I will discuss how slave owners used biblical context to uphold the institution of slavery. I will begin analyzing scriptures in the bible that pertain to slavery. It is in my belief that the Bible did not condone slavery in the way that slave owners upheld slavery. I do not argue against that there were not slaves by bondage but they were not enslaved against their will but through the will ofRead MoreSlavery And Its Effects On Slavery889 Words   |  4 PagesSlavery Slaves suffered within a system characterized by undernourishment, overwork, harsh punishment, ill health, and despair. The purpose of this paper is to address the significant problems slavery caused the world in which talk of rights and liberties were increasingly popularized. Slavery divested lives of many African Americans who were sold into enslavement for many years. The Start of Slavery Slavery began when the African American people were brought to Jamestown, Virginia, in 1619. HundredsRead MoreSlavery And The Black Slavery1534 Words   |  7 PagesFROM SLAVERY TO FREEDOM CHAPTERS 4, 5 and 6 Chapter 4 Slave Societies in this chapter mean people with similar characteristics who lived together in a well or less organized community. Slave societies in eighteenth -century were common in North America in New England, the Mid-Atlantic and the Lower Mississippi Valley. The black slavery experience was not unique, that is not the same in these areas, was influenced by local conditions, nation of the colonizers, composition of men and women, statisticalRead MoreSlavery And Its Effects On Slavery Essay1202 Words   |  5 Pages This was the period of post-slavery, early twentieth century, in southern United States where blacks were still treated by whites inhumanly and cruelly, even after the abolition laws of slavery of 1863. They were still named as ‘color’. Nothing much changed in African-American’s lives, though the laws of abolition of slavery were made, because now the slavery system became a way of life. The system was accepted as destiny. So the whites also got license to take disadvantages and started exploitingRead MoreReparations For Slavery : Slavery1218 Words   |  5 Pages Reparations for Slavery? Harriet Tubman once said, â€Å"Now I ve been free, I know what a dreadful condition slavery is. I have seen hundreds of escaped slaves, but I never saw one who was willing to go back and be a slave.† What is a reparation? A reparation is the making of amends for a wrong one has done, by paying money to or otherwise helping those who have been wronged. The biggest question of time is should African Americans receive payments for slavery? Many people would say yes withRead MoreSlavery And Its Effects On Slavery999 Words   |  4 Pagesresearch and taking the Slavery footprint quiz I realized just how much my life and lifestyle depended on slavery. I, like most people, do not think about where my clothes came from or where the diamond in the engagement ring came from; subsequently, I alone depend on 43 slaves. 43 individuals somewhere in the world are being forced to work or work for little to nothing. I cried after reading about present time slavery because like most people i n today’s age, I believed slavery ended in President Lincoln’s

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Mock Exam, English by Norwegian Student. Free Essays

string(123) " very much based on the internet, and more than 80% of the information stored on computers around the world is in English\." Mock Exam 1stc 7th of December 2012 By Gard Detlev Oksendal Task 1 1B 1. The three most important differences between the writing styles in the two texts (Appendices 2 and 4) Difference one: The biggest difference between Appendix 2 and 4 is the fact that Appendix 2 is a short novel, which we don’t know if it’s true or not compared to Appendix 4 who is an informative text with clear fact and reasoning. App 2 is taken from the book â€Å"the house on mango street†, which clearly is a novel in contrast to App 4 which is an article from Newsweek, 2011. We will write a custom essay sample on Mock Exam, English by Norwegian Student. or any similar topic only for you Order Now Difference two: App 2 is written in short sentences with many stops. The text is actually written a bit mysterious way. App 4 on the other hand is a coherent text, where the message of the text is clear. Difference three: In App 4 they use real – life stories to underline their facts. In contrast, App 2 is written out of Sandra Cisneros free fantasy and thoughts. Maybe this story is based on some kind of truth, but it doesn’t say anything about it. 2. The advantages as well as the disadvantages of moving abroad, seen from a young person’s point of view. Here are some of my arguments whether I think it is a good choice or not to move abroad as a young person. As far as I can think, there are much more advantages by moving abroad as a young person, rather than not moving. I have made two lists, one with advantages the other one with disadvantages: Advantages * You learn to know other cultures, which can be really positive. Not just for the knowledge, but also the fact that you as a human really can grow by knowing and accepting foreign cultures. * Of course it depends on the place you go, but let`s say for example that you are an American, who is considering moving to Asia, there are many good reasons to do so: * Asia is the up and coming in the world these days. If you are able to communicate with them in their native language, they often go in with more will in for example a negotiation, or simply just a small talk, getting to know the cute girl you saw at the club last night. Another language you might want to learn is German. Germans are some of the most organized and economic people in the world. If you know their native language, most people will meet you with open arms. * When I read through Appendix 4 in the booklet you handed out, I held on to one sentence which describes the situation in the world today in a very good way. Let me quote Jim Rodgers from the text â€Å"How to Raise a Global Kid† by Lisa Miller: â€Å"The money is in the East, the Debtors are in the West. I`d rather be with the creditors than the debtors. † * Even tough, English is becoming bigger and bigger as a second-language despite the big debt problems they have in the US. 200 million Chinese Schoolchildren are studying English, and in South Korea many parents lost their temper recently. The reasoning behind was that they wanted their kids to learn English at first grade, rather than in second as they practice today. Yes, English is really important as a world language up to this date, despite the fact that Asia is growing bigger and bigger, US drowning in their enormous debt that only increases with millions each minute you read this text. So your English will definitely help you when moving abroad. * Asia is just an advice to where you could move, but there are many different places you can go. So my advice to the yo uth out there who is considering moving abroad: Go for it! Disadvantages: * One of the disadvantages by moving abroad as young is the fact that you don’t get as much safety as you would get growing up in your own country. On some children, this can make a huge impact and even damage to them later in life. * Other cultures may get a bit too exotic, crazy and alien in some ways. You can get shocked; some are able handle it and even learn from it, some people are definitely not. So if you are a bit weak, a bit afraid of the unknown and other cultures, maybe you should consider it two times before moving abroad. * If you come to another country and don’t know the language, it can be a huge problem. You can’t assimilate and feel as comfortable as in your home country. You don’t get included in the community and you can feel a bit alone at school etc. * Another concern is the money. If your trip goes wrong, something happens, you may be loose a year of school and lots of money. Is it worth taking the risk? * Earlier today, I saw an example of how difficult it could be coming to another country, another culture. The movie â€Å"Bend it like Beckham† by Gruinder Chadha impart this in a beautiful and touching way. And for any of you who haven’t seen it, I’d like to recommend it strongly. Task 2 2B There are two main historical reasons of why English is the most wide – spoken language today. The first reason is the power of the US – not only in terms of war and economics, but also technology, movies, the internet and science. The other reason is the time where Queen Elisabeth 1st (1558 – 1603) and her England conquered the world. She established a global colonial empire, and introduced English as a world language. English is today the language which by far is the most used as a lingua franca. In more than 60 countries English is the official second language, but that is not the whole truth. The world today is very much based on the internet, and more than 80% of the information stored on computers around the world is in English. You read "Mock Exam, English by Norwegian Student." in category "Papers" Despite the fact that 350 million people use English as their first language today, it is by far not the most spoken first language. However, English today is the most important language in the world because of the simple fact that almost â€Å"everyone† knows a few worlds in English. I can’t stress it enough; English is by far the most important language today. Mandarin is really catching up, but English is still dominant. Mandarin is almost explicit used in China, and not so much as a lingua franca. The biggest factor of why English is as dominant as it is must be the internet. The internet is very much based on English. And the world is based on the internet. I addition to this, it is also used in many other important arenas. My task today is to present to you some of these arenas. * When it comes to business and matters of trade, the English language is really important. By studying English through a respected old school like Cambridge or Oxford, you can expect to be able to easily handle emails, memos, contracts, agreements and other resembling themes. The matter of fact is that when you have an education In English, you are more likely to easy pursue a to a business career. * Probably the greatest advantage of studying English would be in job matters. People who can speak English fluently, In addition to speak their native language are extremely attracted by companies of many types, especially the international ones. Courses with at least some quality in it, offer their students the opportunity to improve job prospects, the opportunity to communicate with others as well as the access to information all around the world. Another arena where English can be very useful is when movies or TV-shows. Most of the films made today are made in English, at least the ones from Hollywood. Understanding the plot will be much easier when knowing English. Subtitles in Norwegian or other languages can sometimes cause the meanings of words to be lost in the translation, and they can be a distraction to the action taking place on the screen. In addi tion to this, movies in other languages are often subtitled by English. * The fourth arena where English very much can be useful is when traveling. Most workers in the tourist line of business know at least a couple words English. From that platform it is much easier to communicate with other people when travelling. * Concerning the education arena, English is not only useful, it is almost necessary to know at bit English. According to the Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training, there are more than 800 courses taught in English, just at the University of Oslo. There are lots of books in Norwegian. However, in college or university many of the books you have to read are written in English. According to the book â€Å"Gateways† by Eva Ulven and Audun Raugset two thirds of the world scientific findings are published in English. * The last thing I want to mention is that many manuals are written in English. Let`s say that you have bought a new TV for 30  000 dollars from America, and you don’t understand the manual, it will take a lot more effort and time to get your TV working. The world today is very much based around the mass – media, and most of the mass – media is written, spoken or sung in English. Yes, I repeat; sung. One of the main factors influencing us is the music. American rappers dominate the hit- lists today, and if anyone is even close to their dominance it must be the Englishmen. They aren’t just on the hit lists in their own country, but also in foreign countries like Norway. Another factor is that the community of YouTube and the social media such as Twitter, Instagram and Facebook are very much based on – and ruled by the English language and culture. Parallel to the growth of the internet, the power and importance of English is increasing every minute. In my eyes, Norway is one of the countries who are the most influenced by the American culture. We have taken lots of different American traditions, and made them ours. For example Halloween and Valentine’s Day are American traditions we are practicing here in Norway. I my opinion, that is really sad. Before kids used to go â€Å"julebukk†, but now a days people just don’t do â€Å"Julebukk† anymore – just because Halloween and other American traditions have taken over. American music is also really big in Norway, and artists like Eminem, Wiz Khalifa and Rihanna is what most of the Norwegian youth enjoy listening to. Gaming and internet is big part of our Norwegian community, and both are very much based on English. The two most played videogames in Norway, Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 and FIFA 13 are both on English, and have to say that I have learned much English from it myself. In Norway, people watch TV-series a lot, and most of them are in English. Most of them with Norwegian subtitles, but again the fact that they even showcase American series show us how important English is in Norway. So my conclusion based on what I have written, thought and read goes like this: English today is by far the most important language in the world, concerning business, travelling, education, culture and much, much more. However, languages like Mandarin and Indian is starting to catch up, just because of the simple matter of fact that the Chinese and Indian are increasing rapidly when speaking of population.. On the other hand, English is still increasing, just because of the western pop-culture. All the things I have mentioned – all the things we base our international community are based – and ruled by English. English is the dominant language in the world today, and I think it will be continuing as consistent as it is today at the top for many, many years in the future. How to cite Mock Exam, English by Norwegian Student., Papers

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Something Nice free essay sample

I flew into the house, ready to be as far away from the world as possible. Sweat dripped from my face, and I tried hard to avoid tears from following behind. The house is quiet as I ventured a short distance to my small bedroom. Why must people make fun of me? I’m only human. A nine year old should not have to go through this. Everyday it seemed as if I was being tortured with no where to go or no one to turn. There was however, someone who I knew I could talk with to make it all better, and that person is my mom. My tired body lifted from the bed and walked upright in search of my mom. She takes care of my brother and me on her own, although she is sick and unable to work. Despite her sweet and caring personality, my mother still struggles in life. We will write a custom essay sample on Something Nice or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page My father is around once in a blue moon. â€Å"Hey baby, I didn’t even see you come in.† she said. She was in the bedroom, her eyes glued to the local paper which looked to be quite interesting. Her eyes then made their way to mine, and she read my expression like a book. â€Å"What’s the matter?† She asked. â€Å"The kids at school, they always joke me because I don’t have any nice clothes. And they be mean to me and always want to fight me.† I replied. â€Å"Now look. It does not matter what you wear, it’s what’s on the inside that counts. You are very smart and I know you’re a good person.† My mom said. She then began telling me of the days in school when she too could not afford nice things. I began to feel sad. The next day at school was better. I came home with my feelings not all in a bunch as usual. When someone tried to say something mean to me, I drowned them out with happy thoughts. I entered my home and plopped down next to my mother on the couch. I laid my head on her chest, and absorbed her motherly love. â€Å"I have something for you.† She said. I stared up at her, and an older reflection of me gazed back. She smile and her rosy cheeks began to show. My mom had a slender face and a small body because of the sickness, but she was still beautiful. My mother held her smile, the whiteness of her teeth glowing. I was anxious to see my surprise, so I got up and walked into the room. Lying on my bed was a pretty white shirt with black designs, and some blue jeans to match. I smiled, and ran to thank her. â€Å"Don’t you need the money for other things?† I asked. â€Å"Yes.† She said and then added, â€Å"But it doesn’t hurt to have something nice.†